Koalas are adorable marsupials native to Australia that eat eucalyptus leaves and sleep a lot. Their cute appearance and behaviors make them prime candidates for silly puns and wordplay. Koalas spend most of their time napping in trees, so you could say they are true “tree-huggers.”
Since koalas munch on eucalyptus all day, they are definitely “minty and fresh.” Baby koalas are called joeys, which sounds similar to “joey”, leading to jokey puns about young koalas being funny. With their rounded ears and big black noses, koalas also resemble stuffed animals, allowing for puns about “plush” and “cuddly” koalas. Their sleepy nature and soft fur make koalas the perfect animal for lighthearted puns and wordplay. Below, we have the most enormous compilation of funny Koala puns that will keep you away from sleep and close to laughter.
Funny Koala Puns
What do you call a koala who gets straight As? An academ-eucalyptus scholar!
Why did the koala climb to the top of the tree? To get to the top koala-ty leaves!
How does a koala farmer count his herd? With a koala-culator!
Why don’t koalas need to call Uber? They always have their own koala-ty!
Why was the koala late to work? He took too long koala-brating the weekend!
What do you call a sleepy koala? A koala-ty napper!
Why do koalas make terrible baseball players? They never hit a home eucalyptus!
What’s a koala’s favorite sci-fi movie? Star Wars: Revenge of the Sitheucalyptus!
What do you call a koala who travels a lot? A jet-setting marsueucalyptus!
Why don’t koalas need calendars? Their lives are so koala-ty, every day feels the same!
How do koalas keep their fur clean? With koala-ty shampoos!
What do you call a koala who loves music? A melodic eucalyp-tus!
Why was the koala fired from the orchestra? He was always behind a beat!
What do you call a koala who skips class? A truan-tree-ant!
What’s a koala’s favorite pasta? Rigato-eucalyptus!
Why can’t you take koalas to a movie theater? They always end up sleeping through the koala-ty entertainment!
What do you call a sad koala? Melan-tree-holic!
What do koalas wear when it’s cold out? Koala-ty thermal underwear!
How did the koala know it was going to rain? He checked the koala-ty forecast!
Why did the koala bring gum to school? For eucalyptus breath!
What did the baby koala say when he couldn’t sleep? “Hold me koala tighter, mom!”
Why don’t koalas need to buy groceries? They get all their koala-ty nutrients from eucalyptus leaves!
How does a koala stay connected to wi-fi? He climbs to the top of the eucalyp-tree!
What’s a koala’s favorite day of the week? Koalaty time Tuesday!
What do you call a koala who loves taking photos? An ama-tree-eur photographer!
Why do koalas make great detectives? They always uncover the tree-uth!
What’s a koala’s favorite hobby? Tree-k climbing!
What do you call a koala in a hurry? A marsueucalyptus on the go!
How do koalas keep their paws warm? With koala-ty mittens!
What do you call a koala who loves watching sports? An athletic supporter!
Why was the koala voted prom king? He was just so tree-mendously popular!
How does a koala get around town? By koala-ty transportation of course!
What’s a koala’s favorite breakfast? Koala-ty cereal like Eucca Puffs!
Why are koalas the best at playing hide and seek? They’re natural tree-t ninjas!
What’s a koala’s favorite magazine? Koality Koala Monthly!
Why did the koala show up early to the party? He liked to koala-brate good times!
What did the koala say when offered food? “Don’t mind if I eucal-do!”
Why do koalas make great builders? They have excellent tree-mendous strength!
What do you call a koala on a sinking ship? A man over koala-d!
Why do koalas make terrible newspaper editors? They always end up putting too many euca-lyptus typos!
What do you call a group of chaotic koalas? Anarch-eucalyptuses!
How do koalas show school spirit? With tree-mendous amounts of enthusiasm!
Why did the koala climb to the top of the scoreboard? He wanted the bird’s eagle-eucalyptus view!
What do you call a koala who loves birdwatching? A tree-t ornithologist!
Why are koalas so good at meditating? They are zen masters when it comes to eucalyptus leaves!
What do you call a koala who plays the piano? Moz-eucalyptus!
How does a koala call his friends? Koala-ty phone service!
What do you call koalas who love watching plays? Theatree-cal marsupials!
Why do koalas avoid prickly shrubs? No need to be sticklers for eucalyptus!
What do you call koalas after a long day? Ready for some tree-mendous rest!
How does a koala rock climb? By holding on tree-mendously tight!
What do you call a koala elected to office? The honorable branch manager!
Why was the koala so good at baseball? He was a natural slugger in the eucalyp-tree!
What do you call a koala who loves chess? A grand tree-master!
Funny Koala Jokes
Why did the koala bring a ladder to the eucalyptus tree? Because it wanted to go out on a limb!
What’s a koala’s favorite game? Hide and eucalyptus seek!
Why do koalas make terrible poker players? Because they always have a “poker face”!
What do you call a koala that tells jokes? A koala-comedian!
How do koalas communicate with each other? They use koala-phones!
What do you get when you cross a koala with a kangaroo? A bear that bounces!
Why did the koala apply for a job at the zoo? It wanted to get a taste of the “eucalyptus-tic” life!
What’s a koala’s favorite type of music? Hip-hop-eucalyptus!
What do you call a group of koalas hanging out together? A “koala-ition”!
What did the koala say when it got a compliment? “You’re eucalyptus-tastic!”
How do koalas stay cool in the summer? They use their “koalafans”!
Why did the koala bring a ladder to the comedy show? It wanted to be the “high”-light of the night!
What’s a koala’s favorite dessert? Eucalyptus pie!
What do you call a sleepy koala? A “koala-ma”!
Why was the koala always invited to parties? Because it was a “bear-y” good dancer!
How does a koala get to work? It takes the “eucalyptus-express”!
What do you call a koala with a lot of attitude? A “koolala”!
Why did the koala become a teacher? Because it wanted to teach its students how to “hang in there”!
What’s a koala’s favorite subject in school? Tree-ology!
Why did the koala bring a pillow to the movie theater? Because it wanted to watch a “bear-y” comfy film!
How do you know when a koala is lying? When it starts “bear”-faced fibbing!
What do you call a koala who loves technology? A “cyber-koala”!
What did one koala say to the other while watching a scary movie? “Don’t worry, I’ll keep you safe and ‘bear’ hugs!”
What’s a koala’s favorite board game? “Eucalyptus-opoly”!
How do you make a koala laugh? Tell it a “leaf”-turner joke!
Why did the koala bring a suitcase to the eucalyptus tree? Because it wanted to have a “koala-fornia” vacation!
What do you call a fashionable koala? A “couture-ala”!
Why did the koala go to therapy? Because it had too many “tree-mendous” issues!
What’s a koala’s favorite exercise? “Koala-sthenics”!
How do koalas celebrate their birthdays? With a “bear-thday” party, of course!
Why was the koala always calm and collected? Because it had mastered “koala-ity” control!
What do you call a koala who loves to take selfies? A “photo-koala”!
What’s a koala’s favorite dance move? The eucalyptus shuffle!
Why did the koala start a gardening club? Because it wanted to grow its own eucalyptus snacks!
What did the koala say when it won the lottery? “I’m eucalyptus-rich!”
How do koalas stay organized? They use “bear-y” good planners!
What do you call a koala that’s always on time? Punctu-koala!
Why did the koala become a musician? Because it wanted to play the “eucalyptus-tic”!
How do you make a koala stop in its tracks? Yell, “Free eucalyptus buffet!”
What’s a koala’s favorite bedtime story? “Goldilocks and the Three Eucalyptus Trees”!
Why did the koala bring a map to the forest? Because it didn’t want to get “koala-st”!
What’s a koala’s favorite type of movie? Anything with a “bear-y” happy ending!
Why did the koala become a detective? Because it was great at “tree-son” investigations!
How do you throw a koala-themed party? You “bear” it in mind and invite all your “koala-fied” friends!
What did the koala say to its favorite tree? “You’re the ‘tree-mendous’ love of my life!”
Why did the koala start a band with other animals? Because it wanted to have a “bear-y” good time!
What’s a koala’s favorite type of comedy? “Pun”-ny jokes, of course!
How do you make a koala smile? Tell it a “bark”-tastic joke!
Why did the koala get a part-time job at the library? Because it loved “eucalyptus-tic” literature!
What do you call a koala that loves to travel? A “globe-trotter-ala”!
Funny One Liners on Koala
What do you call a koala who’s always on time? A koalendar.
What do you call a koala who’s a great cook? A koalary chef.
What do you call a koala who’s a fashion icon? A koaliflower.
What do you call a koala who’s a bit of a slacker? A koalousse.
What do you call a koala who’s always telling jokes? A koalab comedian.
What do you call a group of koalas who love to sing? A koala choir.
What do you call a koala who’s really good at math? A koalculate.
What do you call a koala who’s a bit of a nerd? A koalabra.
What do you call a koala who’s really good at soccer? A koalagoal.
What do you call a koala who’s a bit of a show-off? A koalastrophe.
What do you call a koala who’s really good at dancing? A koalacise instructor.
What do you call a koala who’s a bit of a klutz? A koalatrophic event.
What do you call a koala who’s really good at public speaking? A koalameister.
What do you call a koala who’s a bit of a lazy bum? A koalafied excuse.
What do you call a koala who’s really good at giving advice? A koalaselor.
What do you call a koala who’s really good at playing the guitar? A koalaw.
What do you call a koala who’s a bit of a hippie? A koalavive.
What do you call a koala who’s really good at writing? A koalathor.
What do you call a koala who’s a bit of a loner? A koalapsy.
What do you call a koala who’s really good at solving mysteries? A koalumnist.
What do you call a koala who’s really good at giving hugs? A koalalicious hug machine.
What do you call a koala who’s a bit of a fashionista? A koalacouture.
What do you call a koala who’s really good at organizing parties? A koalaleidoscope.
What do you call a koala who’s a bit of a bookworm? A koalary.
What do you call a koala who’s really good at giving compliments? A koalacharm.
What do you call a koala who’s really good at playing video games? A koalacontroller.
What do you call a koala who’s a bit of a goofball? A koalamedian.
What do you call a koala who’s really good at drawing? A koalartist.
What do you call a koala who’s a bit of a philosopher? A koalacaust.
What do you call a koala who’s really good at cooking? A koalacuise.
What do you call a koala who’s really good at gardening? A koalandscape architect.
What do you call a koala who’s a bit of a slob? A koalasaurus rex.
What do you call a koala who’s really good at giving massages? A koalapractor.
What do you call a koala who’s a bit of a pessimist? A koalahypothetical.
What do you call a koala who’s really good at photography? A koalagrapher.
What do you call a koala who’s really good at writing poems? A koalpoet.
What do you call a koala who’s a bit of a know-it-all? A koalaphant.
What do you call a koala who’s really good at telling stories? A koalative storyteller.
What do you call a koala who’s a bit of a comedian? A koalafied comedian.
What do you call a koala who’s really good at giving advice? A koalified advisor.