Funny Relationship Memes: A relationship seems swoon-worthy as long as there are crisp and sparks alive in it. The moment love, affection, and romance is gone, the relationship seems burden as well as boredom. You cannot be in a state of perpetual love. You fight, you get angry, you feel envious, but you love as well. It is integral to add numerous ingredients to your relationship to keep the zestfulness and fun alive in your lives. We don’t think there is anything better than funny relationship memes to rib-tickle the funny bones of your better-half and uplift his/her mood. If you have a fight with your partner or are in no mood to talk, these hilarious relationship memes will do the job of sucking away bad vibes and injecting a lively spirit into your relationship again. Download the funniest relationship memes from the below-stated collection and don’t forget to share.